Talk in Circle
Citygroup, 2020
Demarcating sites of civic congregation is a crucial act of architecture as private interest encroaches on public space. Based on the ‘tete a tete’ or ‘conversation’ chair, which allows adjacent sitters to face opposite directions and converse, the design of this bench inscribes a public territory for city inhabitants to be together. The form of the installation aims to amplify discourse between urban dwellers. Per the need to socially distance the bench can transform, however it is necessary to fortify accessible public space, especially in advance of foreseeable post-pandemic security measures used as an excuse to implement public-space austerity.
Luke Andersen, AJP Artemel, Cody Campanie, Michael Robinson Cohen, Sebastijan Jemec, Georgia Diva McGovern, Violette de la Selle, Will Sheridan, Radhika Sigh, Amy Su, Alice Tai.